AI and Data

Take advantage of the flood of global AI investment.

Gerent is a trusted partner with over 16 years of experience providing strategic solutions across highly regulated industries like healthcare, banking, and education. With a proven track record of delivering Salesforce implementations and advanced AI solutions, we ensure compliance, security, and efficiency at every stage. Selected by key Salesforce divisions as an Agentforce partner, we continue to drive transformative impact through innovation and deep industry expertise.

These seven approaches typically offer the most rapid traction with AI:

AI Agency-As-

Salesforce Strategy
& Implementation

Development Engine


Rapid POC



We work across all major AI tiers in order to activate a whole AI strategy.

We've seen companies across a range of industries take a tiered approach to their AI strategy. We help clients navigate through every tier: from Salesforce AI activation in tiers 1 and 2 to custom applications in tiers 3 and 5.

Gerent’s Commitment to AI

In October 2022, Gerent invested in Enginable, a dedicated entity whose mission is to leverage rapidly emerging AI advancements in everything we do, to bring outsized value to our customers.

Campbell Hyers

Head of Data + AI, Gerent
CEO of Enginable

"Many of our customers have been successfully using AI and data for more than a decade, and they recognize we are in an unprecedented time. We are thrilled to be helping them, and we want all of our customers to benefit from these new, once-in-a-generation capabilities.”

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Some technology we’ve built with

llava logoclaude logocloudflare logoserpapi logongrok logofirecrawl logojetbrains logohashicorp logoclerk io logoperplexity logorender logodigital ocean logosuperbase logollama logo
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